Monday, February 15, 2010


Today was the first legit cross-country race, a women's 10k and men's 15k individual skate race. We got out to an early start, leaving the hotel at 6:15 in the morning. It was decided that the girls would take care of forerunning for the women's race, and the guys for the men's. When we finished forerunning for the women, no one kicked us out so we got to watch from right in the middle of the stadium, within 5m of the start line, lap lane and finish lane. It was really cool, being right in the middle of the warm-up area and right next to the starting line up. We have a skiing pool going, and it makes it a lot more interesting, having people to cheer for, AND I am finally getting my ski education. I am officially an expert on who is who, who is good and who is doped. (or strongly, strongly suspected to be)The men's race was so cool, once we found a spot to watch from. We walked around the track FOREVER, but it was packed with crazy europeans and their cowbells screaming at the top of their lungs 20 minutes before the race even started. So we headed to the stadium bleachers, and landed ourselves some sweet seats next to Judy and Brad. We were also lucky enough to be sitting behind Dario Cologna's (the winner) parents. His mom was all choked up, and his dad was hollering at the big screen, and telling anyone who glanced over to see what he was shouting about "thats my son, he's my son". So cute, so awesome, they made me want to cry. It pretty much made my day. As for the other sports, it's awesome being able to pick a spot on the couch and watch the Olympics with people who are just as into sports and competition as I am, people who are just as inspired by these people who have worked hard and are finally getting what they deserve... a shot at gold, a chance to leave behind a legacy.

The only small downside to all of this excitement is that getting any kind of work done is next to impossible. And so, school may be a bit stressful when I get home. But really, I only have to last a week until march break... and then another couple more until nationals... oh dear.

So everybody should keep their fingers crossed for more golds, more excitement and more supportive teachers for Michelle :)

And that's all folks

Michelle :)

Nordic Combined results from yesterday

C. Kalla.

Wish I could see the number... Its some Norwegian chicka anyways...

One of the media hotspots. They had NOTHING on our seats. We're spoiled :)

A Norway cheering squad. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if someone told me they outnumbered the Canadian spectators today.

M. Bjoergen

M. Bjoergen

Madeleine Williams, our only Canadian woman racing today

SkyCam... Apparently they're worth a million dollars each


Crazy German Vikings... for the record, they provided and insisted on the clown nose :)


Finish Line


  1. Hi Michelle, in case you notice that a "stranger" - me - was added as a follower your Dad sent me your link. I'm with Alyson Turner & we've spent a few weekends with your parents skiing at Tremblamnt - so that's who I am. Anyway, really fun to follow your great adventure & love your comments & photos & to have an inside view of what's happening. Keep it up!!! Best, Rick ( on your follower list as J.K. Sproule)

  2. Michelle,

    I am totally enjoying your fresh and enthusiastic perspective on the Olympics and your role as a forerunner. It must be such a thrill and I thank you for sharing it with us folks back home.

    Kim Fournier
