Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 2: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, stalking skills, toques and mountains

This morning I woke up to a sunny warm squamish, with the sound of ski jumpers slamming doors at 7 in the morning. Breakfast consisted of the National team's rejects... For some reason sme sponsor thought it would be a good idea to give olympic athletes copious amounts of cinnamon toast crunch, honey nut cheerios and fruit roll ups. Of course,it wasn't a good idea at all and so the forerunning team was lucky enough (or not) to inherit it all. After breakfast we headed up to Whistler to get our accrediation. It is quite a process to get around here. Since no one is allowed a car, because of the already insane traffic, public transit is the only way to get around. Because getting there was such a production, we decided we had better make a day of it. And so, our afternoon was spent eating pizza, stalking foreign athletes and buying olympic stuff that was in pretty much every store we came across, all ridiculously overpriced of course, its not like they have competitors running a different olympics the next block over! Accreditation was super smooth, they really have everything figured out to the tiniest detail. We're supposed to wear this huge pass thing around our neck all the time. They have your name and your job on them and every volunteer has one, from chefs to parking agents to bus drivers to paramedics. They made you feel like your in the movie the Island, dunno if you've seen it. Basically everybody has some tiny trivial assigned task and everything works out somehow. They also make you feel very official, annddd then you start to feel like a tool with this giant name tag around your neck, so then it ends up in your bag. I fell asleep on the bus ride home, then got woken up and got to stand outside and wait for another bus. Its actually quite a nice temperature here but once the sun drops behind the mountains it gets kinda chilly. We went grocery shopping, our inn has a kitchen downstairs we can use to cook, its kinda set up like a hostel. I switched rooms, so now I'm with Steph Drolet, my room is much nicer and we're gettng along splendid, shes fun :) Some of the other forerunners are finally starting to trickle in. I spent the day with the Drolet twins and Amie Matthews, we were the only ones here. Dinner tonight is chicken pesto, the twins bailed me and my pathetic culinary skills out. I should probably go help though.

So, thats all folks!

Michelle <3

We are stalkers :)

Aaannndd again

Oh Canada!! It makes you want to pull the middle one out, eh?

Yup, I'm pretty official, no big deal. But also a little orange, apparently

Today's clique

Me and the mascots, Sumi, Quatchi and Miga


The National team coach wanted to recruit us, he liked our good form, but we had to say no. Forerunning first!! :P

I stalk with no shame

Alright, maybe a little...

This doesn't even come remotely close to doing this view justice. Not. Even. Close.

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